Load Accept User Guide

Load Accept User Guide

Bitfreighter Load Accept User Guide

What is Load Accept? This is an alternative way for a customer to access their loads via EDI without a TMS. You can see all 204 tenders sent, send back 990 responses and send 214 status updates. Currently, 210’s can’t be sent within the Bitfreighter portal or store any type of images/documents such as BOL’s or POD’s.


Before you access the Bitfreighter portal, you must create a Google email as we work with Google Apps. Your work email address will not allow you to access the portal.


Once you have a Google email account created, go to http://app.bitfreighter.com/ and log in with your gmail account. The first time you log in, you will get an “Access Denied” message, you will need to give Bitfreighter the Google email address for us to add as a User on your account. Once this is completed, try logging back in and you should have access.


Tenders Screen:

1.     This screen provides you a list of all tenders that have not been responded (i.e. New, Updates and Cancellations).



2.     You can Accept or Decline a tender from this screen by clicking on the tender and a response pop-up screen will appear in the bottom right.




3.     When you click on Accept, a pop-up screen will appear that allows you to enter in a Reference Number such as a Pro Number. When finished, click on Confirm Accept. If you choose not to enter in a Reference Number, leave the field blank and click on Confirm Accept.




4.     Once you Accept a tender, the tender will no longer be visible on the Tenders screen.




Loads Screen:

5.     This screen provides you a list of tenders that you have accepted. If you can’t find a tender on this screen, go back to the Tenders Screen to see if the tender is still there pending a response, then follow steps 1-4 above.




6.     In order to send 214 status updates, you will need to click on Details.




7.     Inside the tender, you will see a section called Send a Status Update. From here, you can send all your status updates. The four standard updates to send are:


1.     Arrived at Pick-up Location (X3)

2.     Carrier Departed Pick-up Location with Shipment (AF)

3.     Arrived at Delivery Location (X1)

4.     Completed Unloading at Delivery Location (D1)




8.     By default, the system starts with Arrived at Pick-up Location (X3) and you can select when the driver arrived. When finished, click on the green checkmark.





9.     Once you have finished entering in the date and time, click Send. This will send this 214 directly to the trading partner.




10.  Once you finish sending the first status, you can start sending each of the other statuses. You’ll notice that as you send statuses, the Status automatically changes to the next one.






11.   If you want to update the Pickup Appointment, you can update the Appointment Time for Stop 1 – Load. Once complete, click on the green checkmark. This will send the Pick-up Appointment (AA) directly to the trading partner.




12.   If you want to update the Delivery Appointment, you can update the Appointment Time for Stop 2 – Unload. You can update each of the stop’s if there are more than one stop (i.e. one pick, two stop). Once complete, click on the green checkmark. This will send the Delivery Appointment (AB) directly to the trading partner.





13.  On the Activity screen, you’ll see all activity for the tender. This includes 204 Tenders, 990 Responses and 214 Shipment Statuses.





14.  If you want to see the actual EDI data that was transmitted, you can click on any of the times to bring up the envelope screen.





15.  The Incoming Message will show you what Bitfreighter received. The Outgoing Message will show you what Bitfreighter sent.





16.  This screen shows you all transmissions being sent and received by Bitfreigther.




17.  If you have multiple trading partners, you can narrow down the list of transmissions by trading partner.






18.  This screen shows all the connections that Bitfreighter has setup.




19.  You have the option to Edit or Send a File through a connection. Please do not Edit a connection without Bitfreighter’s assistance.




20.  If you need to send a file through the connection, you can find the transmission in the Envelopes screen by clicking on Details or on the Loads screen within the tender by clicking on the Date & Time stamp.


Envelopes Screen-


After clicking on Details, the Envelope transmission screen appears.



Loads Screen within the tender-


After clicking on the Date & Time stamp, the Envelope transmission screen appears.


21.  To send a file through the connection, copy the EDI data



22.  Go to Connections, select the connection you want to send a file to and click on Send a File



23.  Select the Sender from the drop down. If you want to send a file as the customer (990 or 214), select the TMS name. If you want to send a file as the trading partner (204), select the Trading Partner name.




24.  Paste the EDI information into the Contents field and click Send




25.  Refresh your screen until the Status is “Sent”




26.  Go back to the Envelopes transmission screen to see the file you sent.




Trading Partners:


27.  To view all trading partner’s Sender & Receiver ID’s and Qualifiers, click on Trading Partners.



28.  Click on Settings to set certain features for each Trading Partner.

·      You have the option to send tender decline reason codes. Enter in the Code and the Description. Then, click on the check mark to save.

·      You have the option to Auto-Accept or Auto-Reject (within a set amount of time) every tender.

·      In the future, there will be a feature available to set certain Office Hours for tasks to be handled automatically (i.e. all tenders received between 8:00am to 5:00pm will be auto-accepted or all tenders received between 5:00pm to 8:00am will be auto-rejected).






29. To view your analytics data, click on Analytics and select ‘Bitfreighter’ dashboard.




Add Users to Account:


30. You have the option to add or remove users to your account so they can have access to your portal. Remember, all user email addresses must be a Google email (i.e. xxxx@gmail.com).


31. To add a user to your account, click on your Account at the top right and click on Settings.



32. Click on Manage Users.



33. Click on the +New User button and enter in the email address. Once it turns green, click Save.



34. For every user you add, you need to select their User Role. Account Admin allows you to add users (think of this as a Supervisor or Manager role) or Load Accept does not allow you to add user (think of this as a Dispatch role).


35. Click edit, select the role, push the +Add Role button and click Save.



36. Now your users can log in with their gmail account and navigate through the portal.


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