EDI Bitfreighter Overview & Training Guide

EDI Bitfreighter Overview & Training Guide

Transaction Types

204 - Load tender
            Original - 00
990 - Acceptance or Decline 
            Reason codes
214 - Location update or Status Update
210 - Invoice
997 - Functional Acknowledgment, stating if the message was received 

Bitfreighter Platform 

  1. Tenders - allows you to see all 204 tenders for a specific customer including new (B2A = 00), change (B2A = 04) and cancel (B2A = 01). To find a specific 204, you will need to search by the Shipment ID by clicking the filter button, entering in the Shipment ID and clicking apply.
  2. Loads - allows you to see the full history of all shipments for a specific customer including the 204 tenders, the 990 responses and the 214 shipment statuses. To find a specific shipment, you will need to search by the Shipment ID by clicking the filter button, entering in the Shipment ID and clicking apply.
  3. Envelopes - allows you to see all incoming and outgoing files for a specific customer and by specific connection. If you need the files in incoming or outgoing translated to be able to read the data better, we recommend using Stedi EDI Inspector to translate.
  4. Connections - allows you to see all connections currently setup for a specific customer. If you need to add a connection, click on New Connection and fill in all the required fields. If you need to edit a connection already setup, click Edit. If you need to send a file to a specific connection, click on Send a File, then select a connection and paste in your EDI data (i.e. 204, 990) and click Send. You should be able to see the EDI file you sent in Envelopes.
  5. Trading Partners - allows you to see all trading partners setup for a specific customer. This will show you what ISA, Group and Qualifier are for a specific trading partner. Note, each one is unique to that specific trading partner. 

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