Breakthrough Fuel Calculator Feature in LiveQuote

Breakthrough Fuel Calculator Feature in LiveQuote

Understanding the Breakthrough Fuel Calculator Feature in LiveQuote

  1. Introduction to Breakthrough Fuel Integration

    • LiveQuote introduces Breakthrough Fuel Calculator feature.

  2. Accessing Shipper Profile for fuel cost

    • Navigate to Shipper Profile screen and go to Edit.

    • Move to the Fuel Cost area.

  3. Activating Breakthrough Fuel Toggle

    • Toggle on the Breakthrough Fuel feature.

    • Important: Obtain shipper's breakthrough fuel efficiency and base rate.

    • Contact Anheuser-Busch for AB integration details.

  4. Inputting Shipper Base Rate

    • Enter shipper base rate (e.g., $1.20).

    • View output for rate per mile deduction.

  5. Ensuring Accuracy

    • Verify that the calculated fuel cost aligns with what the shipper pays weekly.

    • Updates through EIA fuel schedule API every Tuesday at 7pm.

  6. Customization Options

    • Choose between national average, split pads, and California settings.

    • Set up according to individual shipper's details.

  7. Final Recommendations

    • Be cautious and conservative in setting up the feature.

    • Ensure enough funds to cover loads with automation.

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